Newcastle Orthopaedic Research Institute

A website to present not-for-profit research conducted by a group of upper limb orthopaedic surgeons.
Wordpress Development Company - Website Design & Development for a Medical Business - Websites Au Melbourne

An informative not-for-profit website around Orthopaedic innovation

About the client

NORI (Newcastle Orthopaedic Research Institute) are a leading group of specialised upper limb Orthopaedic surgeons in Newcastle, Australia.

What they required

The not-for-profit organisation needed a fresh website to promote their cause and provide information regarding the research they are undertaking. The aim was to educate individuals and bring the community and experts together.

A website to present their mission and research

What we delivered

Through consultation we worked with NORI to create a website that communicates the prevention and control of musculoskeletal diseases.

The site features a user-friendly interface and engaging content, making it easy for visitors to access valuable information. The website has clear navigation and visually appealing graphics.

Key features:
  • Donation Integrated Function
  • Video Banners
  • Interactive Image Gallery
  • FAQs
Website Design & Development for a Medical Business - Websites Au Melbourne - Wordpress Development Company