High Street Armadale Shopping Precinct

A comprehensive directory platform for a premium shopping, dining and service precinct in Melbourne.

About the Client

High Street Armadale is a premium shopping, dining and service precinct located in the leafy eastern suburb of Armadale, Melbourne.

The street boasts 280 stores including world-renowned brands; Acne Studios, Aesop, Aje, Cos, Zimmerman and a range of specialised bridal and antique stores that are quintessentially Armadale.

What the Client Required

A comprehensive directory platform allowing users to browse through 280 store listings & dynamic categories.

What We Delivered

A website design that encapsulates the essence of the shopping precinct. Functionally, the website allows each of the 280 stores to update a unique profile on the website.

Website Features

  • 280 Listing Directory
  • Interactive Image Gallery
  • Dynamic Blogging

Directory Platform

The challenge was to create a highly customisable website with a dynamic directory for user experience. The website also had to remain quintessentially Armadale.

Shopping Precinct Website Design - Website Design & Development by Websites Au Melbourne